Unix Timestamp Converter

Convert Unix timestamps to readable dates and vice versa with our Unix Timestamp Converter. Fast and accurate for all your time conversion needs across time zones.


What is a Unix timestamp?

A Unix timestamp is the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight GMT), not counting leap seconds.

It is commonly used in programming, databases and API to track the time as in integer type. For example, our appointment availability API accepts the Unix timestamps to check the availabile time slots.

How do I convert a Unix timestamp to a human-readable date?

Follow these steps to convert a Unix timestamp to a human-readable date:
  1. Enter the timestamp into the "Unix To Date Time Converter" tool above.
  2. The tool will display the corresponding date and time in your local time zone or a selected time zone.

Can I convert a human-readable date to a Unix timestamp?

Yes, you can convert a human-readable date to a Unix timestamp by entering the date and time into the "Date Time to Unix Convertor" tool.

The tool will output the corresponding Unix timestamp.

Can I convert Unix timestamps in different time zones?

Yes, the Unix Timestamp Converter allows you to convert timestamps to and from different time zones.

You can select the desired time zone to get the correct date and time in selected timezone.

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