How to enable conversion tracking for appointment bookings?

Conversion tracking is a pivotal element in online appointments and service bookings, and it becomes especially crucial when you are getting visitors on your appointment page from multiple sources like Google ads, social media, youtube channel etc.

In the digital landscape, where every click and interaction matters, tracking the effectiveness of marketing campaigns is essential for optimizing strategies. One way to achieve this is by utilizing UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) variables in query parameters to append on your appointment scheduling link, before embedding it on your website or sharing on email.

What are UTM Variables?

UTM variables are tags appended to URLs, providing detailed information about the source, medium, campaign, term, and content of a visitor. When a potential customer clicks on a URL embedded with UTM parameters, businesses can track the user’s journey and understand which marketing efforts are driving appointments on the booking page.

Here is the list of supported UTM variables on DaySchedule -

Variable Description
utm_source Identifies the source of the traffic (e.g., Google, Facebook).
utm_medium Specifies the marketing medium (e.g., cpc, social, email).
utm_campaign Indicates the specific campaign that led to the click.
utm_term Highlights the keywords associated with paid search campaigns.
utm_content Helps differentiate similar content, such as different ad versions.


By incorporating these UTM variables into the URLs linked to appointment booking pages, businesses gain valuable insights into their marketing efforts. For example, a URL like this:

indicates that the visitor came from Google’s paid search campaign during the Diwali sale, searching for consulting software after clicking on a link with a specific logo.

UTM Tracking

Conversion tracking through UTM variables is superb way for businesses to track invitees coming to your appointment scheduling pages and improve your marketing campaign to drive more appointments, boost revenue.

  • Go to bookings
  • Click on booking details
  • Scroll to the invitee section to find the tracking details for each invitee and booking.

Embeddable widget

If you are using the dayschedule widget to embed the appointment link on your website, you can pass the custom parameter using the options variable on init -

    url: '',
    utm: {
      "utm_source": "Google",
      "utm_medium": "cpc",
      "utm_campaign": "spring_sale",
      "utm_term": "running+shoes",
      "utm_content": "logolink"


If you’ve integrated DaySchedule using our appointment booking API to display time slots in your app or website. You can use the invitees API to get/set the conversion tracking parameters via programming languages like Node.js or PHP. Here is an example to update the utm parameter in Curl.

-H 'Content-Type: application/json' 
-d '{
  "utm": {
    "utm_source": "Google",
    "utm_medium": "cpc",
    "utm_campaign": "spring_sale",
    "utm_term": "running+shoes",
    "utm_content": "logolink"