Paypal Payment Integration

See how to connect DaySchedule with PayPal to accept international payments via PayPal for your appointment and service booking.

PayPal is used by over a million individuals and businesses to comfortably conduct small business transactions. Using our PayPal integration, you can connect with your PayPal account to accept payment on your scheduling page.

For example, an online coaching or teaching professional can create a appointment scheduling page and integrate PayPal to let their students pay fees online and schedule appointments.

Connect to PayPal

  1. Go to Connections Menu
  2. Click on Add Connection
  3. Enter the connection name and select status, and PayPal from provider dropdown
  4. Click on Connect to PayPal button
  5. You will redirect to PayPal website

Update PayPal Connection

  1. Click on PayPal Connection that you want to update
  2. Make the changes and click on the Save button to update the PayPal connection

Delete PayPal Connection

  1. Select your PayPal connection by clicking on the checkbox you want to delete from DaySchedule
  2. After selecting the connection click on Delete button to delete the connection permanently