Bookings Management

The Booking Management page is a user-friendly platform for scheduling and managing bookings. The calendar feature on the page displays all scheduled appointments and events in a clear and organized manner, making it easy to view bookings by month, week, and day.

Multiple Calendar Synchronization

To ensure that you never miss a booking, the page also includes a feature for synchronizing multiple calendars. To access this feature, simply go to the filter icon located on the top left corner of the Bookings page.

  • To access this feature, simply go to the filter icon located on the top left corner of the Bookings page
  • All integrated calendars will be listed in a dropdown menu. You can select the calendar you wish to view by using the checkbox beside the calendar name
  • By selecting the checkbox, all the bookings from the selected calendar will be displayed on the page, allowing you to easily manage and schedule appointments and events
  • This feature ensures that you never miss a booking, allowing you to stay organized and on top of your schedule

View Booking Details

  • Go to Calendar menu
  • Select the Booking from the calendar which will further show the booking details

Create New Booking

  • Go to Calendar menu
  • Click on the New button a sidebar will open
  • Enter the details and click on the Save button to create a new booking

Reschedule Booking

Cancel Booking

  • Click a specific booking to cancel it, which will open the booking details
  • In booking details, click on the Cancel button
  • Fill in the cancel reason for the booking

  • Click on Cancel this booking button

By following these steps, you can quickly and easily find the information you need, making the booking management process smooth and hassle-free.