How to send WhatsApp reminder for meeting?

The WhatsApp reminder helps you to remind your customers about upcoming events or meetings. Here is a complete guide for sending automatic reminders on WhatsApp.

With more than 2 billion active users worldwide, WhatsApp Messenger is one of the most extensive cross-platform messaging services. Now, you can set up the DaySchedule app to send meeting reminders or automatic appointment notifications from your Google Calendar to WhatsApp number.

The DaySchedule users need to set up an automated workflow to use pre-approved templates for messaging. Moreover, reminders help reduce no-shows for meetings. Don’t worry, as DaySchedule got you covered - you can send a thank you note to your customers or a quick WhatsApp reminder for upcoming meetings as well.

Meeting reminder on WhatsApp

DaySchedule provides a Workflow feature to send automatic reminders for all your meetings. For each event, you can create a separate workflow reminder or use the same by cloning it and specify the target users for the reminders. The target users can be your invitees, the invitees’ guests, or even the meeting host.

To create a WhatsApp workflow reminder workflow, follow these steps.

  1. Go to the Workflow tab.
  2. Click on the ‘Add’ button on the top right side of the screen.
  3. Fill out the details for the automatic reminder workflow, i.e., name, event, when to trigger the workflow, etc.

Specify when the WhatsApp message should be triggered. For example, you can use the before_event option to send a meeting reminder.

or event_end option to send a thank you message on WhatsApp automatically after the meeting ends.

  1. Next, create an action for the workflow.
  2. Select WhatsApp from the list of actions.
  3. Next, select whom to send the reminder for the meeting. It can be the same action for the Invitee, Host, or Invitees’ guest or separately for them.
  4. Select the template, whether a thank you note or meeting reminder.
  5. Click on the Save button.

Separate WhatsApp messages to Host and Attendees

You can add multiple actions to a workflow to send separate message templates to meeting hosts and attendees.

  1. Click on the “Plus Button” to add another action
  2. Select WhatsApp option
  3. Select the “Host” or “Invitee” option in “WhatsApp To”
  4. Choose a WhatsApp template.

WhatsApp number for customers

If you are sending the meeting reminder to your customers, it’s very important to add the phone number field (preferably WhatsApp number) in your appointment registration form.

  1. Go to your event
  2. Open invitee questions
  3. Add phone number field and make it required, if mandatory

If no phone number is specified by the meeting host or invitee, the WhatsApp bot will throw an error as : No question found with input type tel

WhatsApp number for meeting host

If you’ve selected the Send to Event host option in WhatsApp To to send the meeting reminder to the host, make sure your phone number is updated in your profile page with country code so that the WhatsApp bot automatically finds your phone number to send the message.