Pipedream Integration

Pipedream is an integration platform built for developers. With Pipedream, you can connect APIs using simple triggers and actions.

You can use the DaySchedule + Pipedream integration to automatically send the new booking/meeting details to the Pipedream webhook trigger to execute any action.

Some of the popular Pipedream action includes Twitter, Github events, Airtable records, RSS, and Google sheets.

Pipedream webhook

  1. First, Go to Pipedream website and sign up or log into your account. Then click on the New button.
  2. Select the HTTP / Webhooks option. And then Select New Request. And you can also give it a name. And Click on the Create Source button
  3. Once you hit the Create Source button, Pipedream will provide a unique webhook URL for you. Copy this URL to use in DaySchedule integrations.

How to connect Pipedream with DaySchedule

  1. Go to Workflows Menu
  2. Click on the Create a workflow or Add button
  3. Enter workflow name, select an Event and other details.
  4. In the Action section click on the Pipedream, enter your pipedream URL.
  5. Then click on the Save button.

Data Sample

  1. Piedream

  2. Sample Payload sent by DaySchedule.

  "booking": {
    "_id": "test",
    "org_id": 133,
    "event": {
      "event_id": 0,
      "name": "Test event",
      "type": "one-to-one"
    "host": {
      "user_id": 282,
      "name": "Shashwat",
      "email": "[email protected]"
    "subject": "Test booking",
    "description": "This is a test booking",
    "start_at": "2022-02-17T05:57:29.182Z",
    "end_at": "2022-02-17T05:57:29.182Z",
    "time_zone": "Asia/Calcutta",
    "status": "confirmed",
    "color": "",
    "internal_note": "",
    "location": {
      "type": "Google meet",
      "location": "Google meet",
      "join_url": "https://meet.dayschedule.com"
  "user": {
    "user_id": 282,
    "name": "Shashwat",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "time_zone": "Asia/Calcutta",
    "phone": "+911234567890"
  "event": {
    "event_id": 0,
    "org_id": 133,
    "user_id": 282,
    "name": "Test event",
    "type": "one-to-one",
    "location": {
      "type": "Google meet",
      "location": "Google meet",
      "join_url": "https://meet.dayschedule.com"
    "duration": 30
  "invitee": {
    "invitee_id": "test",
    "org_id": 133,
    "name": "Shashwat",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "time_zone": "Asia/Calcutta",
    "token": "test",
    "questions": []
  1. After getting a response on Pipedream, you can perform an action as per your business requirement.