Slack Integration

Slack is a popular communication tool for teams to discuss and chat on different channels

You can integrate Slack with DaySchedule to automatically receive the new booking/meeting details to your Slack channel.

Slack webhook

  1. First, Go to Slack website and signup or login into your account. Then click on the Create New App button.

  2. Choose the From Scratch option in a popup then fill the details and click on the Create App button to create a slack app.

  3. Select the Incoming Webhooks option.

  4. On the redirected page swipe the button to the right to activate incoming webhooks.

  5. On the same page scroll down to the bottom and then click on the Add New Webhook to Workspace button

  6. Now select a channel you want to send data, and click on the allow button to create a webhook URL for you.

  7. Copy this URL to use in DaySchedule integrations.

How to connect Slack with DaySchedule

  1. Go to Workflows Menu
  2. Click on the Create a workflow or Add button
  3. Enter workflow name, select an Event and other details.
  4. In the Action section click on the Slack, enter your slack URL.
  5. Then click on the Save button.

Data sample