How to create a private vaccine appointment booking system for your hospital?

Only confirming the vaccination date by phone or e-mail is not enough. Private hospitals and labs are often too busy to handle messages immediately, which leads to unnecessary delays in confirming dates for the appointment at this time of COVID-19.

DaySchedule offers simple scheduling software for hospitals to create their own private vaccine appointment registration system online. Now, the private hospital, clinics and labs can easily set up their appointment registration website online to let users self-schedule vaccination dates and confirm with just a few clicks!

Vaccine appointment registration system

Follow these steps to create your vaccine appointment registration system

  • Login to your DaySchedule account
  • Go to the Events Menu
  • Click on Add button and select New Event
  • Select the group type of event

Name and location

  1. Enter the name of your hospital or lab
  2. Enter the description, if any

  1. Select “In-person” on the location
  2. Specify the location and address of the vaccination center. You can also add Google map link, route information, or landmark by clicking on the additional information link

Scheduling page

Next, select the page for this event.

As you can create multiple scheduling pages on DaySchedule, here you can specify on what page this event should be attached to:

For example, if you have 2 pages

  • One for your personal appointments/meetings
  • And another for your hospital

You can select the hospital page in the drop-down to show this event on your appointment scheduling page for hospital or use the widget to embed on your website.

Maximum spots

The maximum spots allow us to control how many attendees can book the vaccine appointment on the selected duration.

And the hospitals can also choose the Remaining spots visible option to show remaining spots on the scheduling page for better transparency with attendees for group/family booking.

Maximum spots for vaccine appointment booking

For example, if someone is booking for their family of 4 members and sees just 2 spots left on a particular slot. They would be better off choosing the next hour slot instead of waiting hours for some family members to get vaccinated.

Availability Hours

The hospitals can easily customize their hospital working hours for vaccination booking. It’s easy to set up operational hours, times by day, breaks, holidays, etc. to specify what date and time the vaccination can be booked and how many.

Since we’ve selected the group booking for this event, so it’s important to understand the group booking meaning and how it works

X number of attendees will be able to book a slot at the same time

So, let’s say we specify the 30 minutes duration with 9 am to 6 pm availability for the vaccination appointment. It will show on the calendar like this:

  • 9:00 am (60 spots available)
  • 9:30 am (60 spots available)
  • 10:00 am (60 spots available)
  • and so on…

That means you have enough doctor’s staff in your hospital to vaccinate 60 people in half an hour.

Or let’s change the duration to 1 hour at the same time, it will show on the calendar like this:

  • 9:00 am (60 spots available)
  • 10:00 am (60 spots available)
  • 11:00 am (60 spots available)
  • and so on…

We can also control the number of spots, per slot using the maximum spots option on step 3.

Scheduling Notice

The scheduling notice feature helps to define minimum notice in minutes, hours, or days required before the user can book and appointment on appointment booking software.

Also, you can setup reminders through SMS, WhatsApp, Email, etc. to all the attendees before the appointment.

Registration form

As per the government/health department regulation, it’s mandatory to collect some information from attendees like Aadhar number/SSN, Date of birth in some countries like India for certification purposes, or audit reports to submit on government portals.

So, the hospitals can create dynamic registration forms to add questions of their choice or country requirement to collect information about the person registering for the vaccine appointment i.e. Aadhar number, Date of Birth, Contact Number, etc.

The attendee must complete the required question in the appointment scheduling software registration form, before an appointment is scheduled online.


Private hospitals and labs obviously want to charge the fee for vaccination. So, DaySchedule offers seamless payment integration on the scheduling page to accept a specified amount from attendees to pay their fee for vaccination before the appointment is confirmed.

There are 3 payment integrations available at this time: Razorpay, Stripe, PayPal. You can use any of these to handle the payment automatically and confirm the booking when an amount is received on your account.

Or you can also use the manual payment option by setting a custom payment link from any payment gateway, to let the user redirect on the payment platform to pay online and then you confirm the appointment manually on DaySchedule.

Payment integration for vaccination fee


After all the setting up, click on the Finish button to finally publish your vaccination event on the selected scheduling page.

Now, the hospital can easily share the link with the attendees by emailing, social websites, or can add on the hospital main website to point users on this page for vaccine appointments.

Vaccination scheduling page

Now, the hospital can share the vaccination scheduling page with all the attendees and patients to self-schedule appointments as per their convenience by simply visiting the page on any device e.g. mobile, tablet, or computer.


Here is a quick preview to see what the vaccine appointment booking system will look like for your users.

The attendees need to follow these steps for vaccination appointment:

  • Open the scheduling page given by the hospital
  • Select the available date and time
  • Fill out the registration form
  • Pay fee (if any)
  • Confirm and schedule

Download registration data

The hospital staff can log in to their DaySchedule account to download all the appointments registration in excel format with a single click.

  • Go to /bookings page
  • Select the date ranges
  • Click on the download button

So why wait? Start using the DaySchedule enterprise level appointment scheduling software to avoid manual registration and implement a fully automated vaccine appointment registration system for your hospital and lab to vaccinate fast to make a COVID free world!